8085 L/EO [bodily material, organ bank recognition] Beverwijk site
ETB-BISLIFE is officially recognised by the Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Sport to carry out activities connected with receiving, storing, processing, distributing, and exporting post-mortem blood vessels, corneas, heart valves, sclera, and skin for use in humans. Its activities also include the storage, processing, distribution, import, and export of post-mortem acellular dermis and the storage, distribution, and export of amnion of living donors for use in humans. Finally, this Recognition extends to the receipt, storage, processing, distribution, and export of heart valves of living donors, for use in humans.
8086 L/EO [bodily material, organ bank recognition] Leiden and Nijmegen sites
The receipt, storage, distribution, import, and export of post-mortem fascia lata, tendons, bone tissue, and cartilage for use in humans. Activities also include the receipt, storage, processing, distribution, and export of bone and cartilage of living donors for use in humans. Finally, this recognition extends to the receipt, storage, processing, distribution, import, and export of cranial tissue of living donors for use in humans. As a tissue establishment, ETB-BISLIFE complies with the strictest requirements, as described in European and domestic legislation and regulations.
See also: Quality & Safety.